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package这个单词你知道是什么意思吗?package的用法是怎样的呢,快来了解一下吧,今天小编给大家带来了packagel的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


vt. 包装,把…装箱,向…提出一揽子计划

n. 包裹,包装袋,包装盒,一组建议

变形:过去式: packaged; 现在分词:packaging; 过去分词:packaged;



package用作动词的意思是“把…包成一包”,通常与副词up连用; 作“包装”解时常用于被动结构。


pack同to package的比较:pack指的是任何人随便将东西装进或扔进行李箱即可,而to package则是将行李整齐的,安全地安置在行李箱里,是一种需要被传授的技巧;


Before you can deploy your solution, you must package it into a CAB file.在部署解决方案之前,你必须将其打包到CAB文件中。

This is an attempt to package news as entertainment这是一个把新闻包装成娱乐形式的尝试


software package [计]软件包;[计]程序包

stimulus package 刺激计划

package design 包装设计

remuneration package 薪酬福利条件;薪酬利益;酬金方案

compensation package 赔偿计划;薪酬包

rescue package 一揽子救援计划

plastic package 塑料封装

package tour 包办旅行(路线、地点、时间和费用等均作统一规定和安排的旅游)

package deal 一揽子交易;[经]整批交易;成套交易

original package 原包装

benefit package 给付项目;福利待遇

package price 组合价格

full package 满管

benefits package 一揽子福利;福利套餐

application package 应用程序包

sales package 销售包装

package plan 一揽子计划;综合计划

one package service 一条龙服务

package dyeing 推积式染色;轴经染色

gift package 礼品包装


1.A bill came along with the package.清单与包裹一并到达。

2.They package their goods in attractive wrappers.他们把货物包在好看的包装袋里。

3.Cake is made from a packaged mix.糕点是由一包现成的配料制成的。

4.Will you help me with this package?您愿意帮我搬一下这包裹吗?

5.Those chocolates have been packaged very attractively.那些巧克力包装得很吸引人。

6.The package was mauled by the careless messenger.包裹被粗心的信使弄得很破旧

7.The packaging does not conform to EU rules.这种包装不符合欧盟规定。

8.She sent him a large package of books.她寄给他一大包书。

9.These materials can be recycled into other packaging products.可以回收这些材料制成其他包装产品。

10.Removals, transports, porterage National removals, packaging International removals, assembly...办公室和工厂迁移|国际迁移...

11.They are specially packaged so that they stack easily.它们经过特别包装以便于堆放。

12.The packaging was designed internally with input from Borghese, Carnie says.包装的目的是与国内投入博尔盖塞,减肥说。

13.The saleslady compacted a neat package out of my wife's purchase.那位女售货员把我妻子买的东西齐齐整整包装成一个包裹。

14.CDs would be far cheaper to produce without the glossy packaging.如果没有那些花哨的包装,CD 的生产成本会低得多。

15.Mail your package early so as to ensure its timely arrival.早点寄出你的包裹以便保证它能及时寄到

16.She packaged up the old clothes and put them in the closet.她把旧衣服包成一包放到衣橱里。

17.Our department applies to destroy this ticket goods xylon package to expensive bureau,now.(现我司向贵局申请销毁此票货物的木质包装,由此产生的不便敬请原谅。)

18.This machine is extensively used for external packaging in such industries as medicine,food,drinks,dairy,cometic.用于啤酒、饮料、乳品、罐头、日化等产品的二次集束包装。

19.The five greatest lipstick shades from Dior in a trendy travel-sized logomania packaging!一套五支华丽迪奥商标旅行装口红,是迪奥最受欢迎的颜色。

20.The package wasn't tied up securely and came apart while in the mail.这个包裹没有绑紧, 在邮递途中散开了。


