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端午节有哪些风俗活动","tags":"%E7%AB%AF%E5%8D%88%E8%8A%82%E6%9C%89%E5%93%AA%E4%BA%9B%E9%A3%8E%E4%BF%97%E6%B4%BB%E5%8A%A8 端午节有很多风



1. 赛龙舟:龙舟竞渡是端午节最著名的活动之一,人们会组队划龙舟,在比赛中展示团队协作和力量。

2. 吃粽子:粽子是端午节的传统食品,人们会包裹糯米和各种馅料,然后用竹叶包裹,在蒸煮后食用。

3. 悬挂艾草和菖蒲:端午节人们会在门前悬挂艾草和菖蒲,以驱邪避祟,保护家庭平安。

4. 穿戴五彩线:人们会在端午节穿戴五彩线,以祛病驱邪,保佑健康平安。

5. 赏花炮:端午节晚上,人们会燃放花炮,以祈求平安和幸福。


What are the traditional customs and activities of the Dragon Boat Festival in English?

Possible answer:

The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday that falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, usually in June. It is celebrated with various customs and activities, such as:

1. Racing dragon boats: This is perhaps the most iconic event of the festival, where teams of paddlers compete in long, narrow boats decorated with dragon heads and tails. The races are accompanied by drumming and cheering, and often draw large crowds.

2. Eating zongzi: These are pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves, which are often filled with sweet or savory ingredients such as pork, beans, or dates. Zongzi are said to have originated from the legend of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet who drowned himself in the Miluo River and whose followers threw rice dumplings into the water to feed his spirit and ward off fish and evil spirits.

3. Hanging calamus and wormwood: These are two types of aromatic plants that are believed to repel insects and purify the air. They are often hung on doors or windowsills, or worn as amulets, to ward off diseases and evil spirits.

4. Drinking realgar wine: This is a type of rice wine mixed with powdered realgar, a type of arsenic mineral, which is believed to have medicinal and protective properties. However, due to its toxic nature, realgar wine is not recommended for consumption by modern health standards.

5. Wearing colorful accessories: Many people wear colorful bracelets, necklaces, or earrings made of silk, thread, or jade, which are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil. Some also wear sachets filled with herbs, such as moxa or mugwort, to repel mosquitoes and promote health.

These are just a few examples of the customs and activities associated with the Dragon Boat Festival, which vary from region to region and from family to family. The festival is a time for people to gather with friends and family, enjoy festive food and drinks, and celebrate the rich cultural heritage of China.



1. 赛龙舟:龙舟竞渡是端午节最具代表性的传统活动之一,人们会组成龙舟队,划龙舟进行比赛。

2. 吃粽子:粽子是端午节必备的食品之一,用糯米包裹肉、豆沙等馅料,再用竹叶或菰叶包裹煮熟。

3. 悬艾草、菖蒲、艾叶:端午节也是一个重要的祭祀节日,人们会悬挂艾草、菖蒲、艾叶等草药,以驱邪祈福。

4. 穿五色线:端午节也是一个重要的节气,人们会在这一天穿上五色线,以驱邪避病,象征五行和谐。

5. 赏雄黄酒:雄黄酒是一种传统的中药酒,端午节时会有人饮用,以驱邪避病。

6. 端午节还有其他一些地方特色的习俗,如扔香包、涂雄黄等。


1. 赛龙舟:龙舟比赛是端午节最具代表性的活动之一,人们组成队伍,划龙舟在水上比赛。
2. 粽子制作:人们会一起制作粽子,这是端午节的传统食品,通常是用糯米、肉和其他食材包裹在竹叶中蒸煮而成。
3. 悬挂艾草和菖蒲:艾草和菖蒲是端午节的传统植物,人们会在家门口悬挂艾草和菖蒲,以驱邪避瘟。
4. 端午节游戏:人们会玩踩高跷、打毽子、踢毽子等传统游戏。
5. 送香包:人们会互相送香包,香包里通常装有艾草和香料,可以驱邪避瘟。

