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雨水节气的特点 雨水节气是二十四节气之一,通常出现在每年的2月18日左右。其特点主要有以下几点:1. 天气转暖:雨水节气标志着春天即将到来,气温逐渐升高,天气也开始转暖。2. 降雨增多:雨水节气的名称来源于此,此时雨水开始逐渐增多,降雨



1. 天气转暖:雨水节气标志着春天即将到来,气温逐渐升高,天气也开始转暖。

2. 降雨增多:雨水节气的名称来源于此,此时雨水开始逐渐增多,降雨量也开始增加。

3. 春耕备耕:雨水节气是农历二月份的第一个节气,也是春耕备耕的重要时期,农民开始准备春季的耕作工作。

4. 植物生长:雨水节气是植物生长的关键时期,此时植物开始萌发,生长出新芽,是春季植物生长的开端。

5. 春季疾病多发:雨水节气是春季疾病多发的时期,尤其是呼吸道疾病和肠胃疾病,需要注意预防。


The characteristics and customs of the Rain Water solar term.

The Rain Water solar term is the second term of the Chinese lunar calendar, usually falling between February 18th and 20th. It marks the transition from winter to spring, and the beginning of the rainy season in many parts of China.

The characteristics of this solar term are:

1. Warmer temperatures: As spring approaches, temperatures begin to rise, but it is still relatively cool.

2. More rainfall: With the arrival of the Rain Water solar term, the rainy season begins in many regiO N S of China.

3. The awakening of nature: Plants and trees begin to grow, and animals come out of hibernation.

As for customs, the Rain Water solar term is associated with a number of traditiO N S and activities in China. Some of these include:

1. Eating spring pancakes: This is a traditional food eaten during the Rain Water solar term. It is made from wheat flour and is usually served with vegetables and meat.

2. Planting trees: This is a popular activity during the Rain Water solar term, as it is a time when trees and plants begin to grow. Many people plant trees to celebrate the arrival of spring.

3. Spring cleaning: Many people use the Rain Water solar term as an opportunity to do a thorough cleaning of their homes, to prepare for the new season.

4. Dragon boat racing: In some parts of China, dragon boat racing is held during the Rain Water solar term. This is a traditional activity that involves racing dragon-shaped boats on the water.

Overall, the Rain Water solar term is a time of transition and renewal, as the cold winter gives way to warmer temperatures and the beginning of the rainy season.




1. 贴雨神符:在这个节气,人们会贴雨神符以求得雨水顺利,庄稼能够茁壮成长。

2. 洗衣节:雨水节气也是洗衣服的好时候,因为此时降雨较多,洗衣服也更容易干燥。

3. 求婚:在古代,雨水节气是一年中求婚的主要时间,因为此时天气适宜,人们的心情也比较舒畅。

4. 喝雨水:有些地方有喝雨水的习惯,认为这样可以保健身体。





1. 雨水节气是春季的第二个节气,标志着春天已经到来。

2. 在这个节气中,人们开始准备春耕和春季农事活动。

3. 雨水节气的风俗有贴雨神符、洗衣节、求婚和喝雨水等。

4. 贴雨神符是为了求得雨水顺利,庄稼能够茁壮成长。

5. 洗衣节是因为此时降雨较多,洗衣服也更容易干燥。

6. 求婚在古代是雨水节气的主要活动之一。

7. 有些地方有喝雨水的习惯,认为这样可以保健身体。

8. 雨水节气是一个重要的节气,也有着丰富的文化内涵和民俗传统。



1. 多喝水:雨水节气气温较高,人体容易出汗,需要多喝水来补充身体所需的水分。

2. 多吃蔬果:雨水节气降雨增多,蔬果水分充足,可以多吃一些蔬果来滋润身体。

3. 注意防潮:雨水节气潮湿,容易导致身体湿气过重,应该注意防潮,保持室内通风干燥。

