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heal the world, makes it a better place. for you and for me, and the entire human race. just as what the song sings, it is very important for us to protect the environment.

there is one thing in common in my family, that is, no matter in my fathers workbag, in my mothers purse, or even in my schoolbag, there is a pair of chopsticks. strange? let me tell you the reason. my mom said: just as if we eat out one time a day, well save 1000 pairs of chopsticks in a years time. that means we have saved a big tree.

my dad said: without every single person, there is no human race. so, it is everyones duty to protect the environment. saying a thousand times of protecting environment is not as useful as putting a pair of chopsticks in your bag.

i said: this is a good habit, i shall pass it to the next generation. the pair of chopsticks reminds us that it is our duty to protect the environment, to save our planet. my dear friends, have you put a pair of chopsticks in your bag? if you havent, just do it now.





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