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since i came to the college, i have been holding positions of class and youth league union. i also have done some pragmatic work for the university and our schoolmates. during the communication with our schoolmates, i feel it deep that the cohesion of a unit lies in a developing and advancing collective, while the strength for it comes from sincerity, understanding and contributions. as a leader of student, one should have a firm belief with sacrifice. as a leader of student, one should be willing to make up the gap between man and man, idea and reality with his fierce feelings. as a leader of student, one should not be selfish. what he seeks for is to work hard and give himself up to the service.

i, as one of the thousands of students of economy college, am proud of it. i would be more willing to take up the duty belonging to me. this is my initial hope. this is why i am standing here today.

i remember one candidate himself said loudly, \”should i leave the position quietly or be bold to stay?\” during the last competition for student union. as a result, he was bold to stay for the position. to day, i would like to let everyone know that i hope that i will be kept for the position. even though i fail, i won\’t leave quietly and angrily out of spite because i am a member of economy college, and because my roots are in the mei campus.

no mater where i go, mei campus always stays with me and my deep feelings to it always keeps in me. i would like to work heart and soul, for my love of mei campus. i earnestly hope to contribute my feelings and fervently hope to share the happiness and be concerned about the worries with every one of mei campus.






★ 在各界人士新春座谈会上的讲话

★ 在全县老干部会议上的讲话

★ 在县禁毒工作会议上的表态发言

★ 施工企业岗位职责(全套)

★ 联席会议主持词

★ 地税局长在财税会上的表态发言

★ 军训总结会上的讲话 2

★ 在优秀班主任表彰暨聘任培训大会上的讲话

★ 在区委中心组学习会上的发言

★ 职代会主持词

  • 竞聘学生会主席一职的英语演讲稿_ZFZPFIrHVs.

  • 竞聘学生会主席一职的英语演讲稿_.docx

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