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英语演讲稿《My dream》(二)

         Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean.  Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams are the armor for our fragile hearts. Martin Luther King had a dream — it was to have justice for all people. Lincoln had a dream — it was to set the slaves free. They sought their dreams and ultimately made them come true. When I was young, I saw a dog one day. I threw a stone at it just for fun. Then it fell down and looked very weak. At that moment, I was surprised to notice it was pregnant. I can’t remember what happened next, but there’s one thing I know: that I felt guilty. It was the first time that I found life could so easily pass away. At that time, I had a dream, which was to help those people who needed help. There are too many wars and disasters. About 16,000 people have died in the Iraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because of starvation.  I have dreams, you have dreams and they have dreams too. We should help them. We should save their lives so that they can pursue their own dreams. Just like the lyric of a song says, “We are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving.” Well, that’s my dream, a simple but meaningful one. 《英语演讲稿《My dream》



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