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Global Citizenship Be

发布日期:2021-02-21 21:31:49

ladies and gentlemen ,thanks for raising your attention .today ill give you a speech named global citizenship begins at home.

being received by many international organizations just like opec ,wto ,all of us get closer contact with other parts of the world ,so that we should not only deal with the native citizenship well ,but also global one .

no doubt kyoto protocol is a model of assembling abilities all over the world to administer and green-house gas pollution .its beyond the effort made by politicians and environmentalists only ,and requires all men to attend it .face to such issues ,we are no more than a person who comes from a certain city even a specific country ,but a global citizen that everyone should say it proudly .

besides ,from madam curies who argues that science and technology should not be limited by national boundaries .progress is never a nationalitys or a countrys progress ,it need all to avail from it .creating or spreading science and technology ,together with direct economic support ,bridges the gap between one area and another ,which in order to help a creature as same as ourselves or just because of deep sympathy .thus a person exists as individual ,as well an undivided part of human beings all over the world .even though what we could do may be negligible ,doing something without regret is the necessary way to realize and fulfill our own global citizenship .

nowadays ,terrorist acts suggest that world lacks comprehension ,and the divergence of religion and culture should be respect .being respectful for the diversity is always

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