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Should we borrow money from ou

it¡¯s a sunny day£¬ you come to do shopping with your good friend in company, and see a lovely dress that you feel like buying. searching carefully into your purse, but no money is in it, looking carefully into your friend¡¯s eyes, hesitating.money is surely needed at present, but should you borrow it from your friend? my advice is that you should never do this unless you are forced to do so, since it can do great harm to your friendship. the reasons i will show you below can help you to know why.

firstly, how can you make sure that your friends have enough money to lend to you? they may have to change their shopping plans due to your unreasonable request. what¡¯s more £¬if they don¡¯t have enough money at the moment to lend to you, they may feel embarrassed to admit it. your friendship will be damaged little by little following this kind of game.

secondly, you can hardly get money from your friend without leaving them the feeling that they have to do so in order not to disappoint you. and the element money is added into a matter, that won¡¯t be a pure thing. it is the same with friendship. if you keep borrowing money from your friend again and again, they will feel that being your friend only means lending money to you, how can this kind of friendship last for a long time?

what is more important is that can you make sure that you can pay back the money you have borrowed in time? if it¡¯s only a small sum of money, maybe it¡¯s ok even if you forget to pay it back, but what if it¡¯s a large amount of money that your friends are in need? should he ask a deadline for repayment or remind you to pay it back time and again? a friend may not do this due to the friendship and trust between you, but how long can his or her trust last if you carry on doing this?

yes, there¡¯s no doubt that a friend should give you a hand when you are in trouble, but everything should have a limit. please remember that a friend is not a machine from which you can borrow money.

so next time when you do want to buy something but have got no money at hand, just go to the bank to draw some or come to buy it with your money next time. after all, friendship is more important that goods!

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