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【摘要】 目的 观察颈动脉内膜-中层厚度(intima-media thickness,IMT)和 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease,CAD)的关系。方法 将65 例患者根据冠状动脉造影结果分为对照组与冠心病组。并测量这些患者的IMT及斑块的形态。结果 CAD各组颈动脉的IMT、斑块发生率与对照组相比明显增高,(P0.0


5);颈动脉IMT值与CAD具有明显相关性。结论 在CAD患者及具有其危险因素人群中,进行颈动脉的IMT高频超声检查,可间接反映冠状动脉情况,并且有助于对冠脉狭窄程度作出判断,可成为早期诊断CAD的间接指标。

【关键词】 颈动脉内膜-中层厚度;冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病; 纤维斑块; 钙化斑块

Abstract: Objective To study the correlation between carotid arterys intima-media thickness and coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease. Methods 65 patients were divided into two groups according to the results of angiography. The examination was performed by using a GEVV3 device and the intima-media thickness was measured. Results Carotid arterys IMT and the incidence of mottling in CAD groups were significantly higher than that in normal groups (P0.0

5), carotid arterys IMT and the incidence of Calcification mottling in multi-vessel disease groups were significantly higher than that in single vessel disease groups (P0.0

5). Positively statistical significance was obtained in the correlation between the carotid arterys IMT and CAD. Conclusions Inpatients with CAD and persons with CAD risk factors,examined in carotid using high-frequency ultrasound,the method is very useful in the detection of the presence of coronary atherosclerosis and in the juguement of the extent.It can be a surrogate for diagnosing CAD in earlier period.

Key words: intima-media thickness (IMT); coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease (CAD); textile fiber mottling; Calcification mottling

1 实验资料与方法

2 结 果

2.2 颈动脉IMT值与CAD进行相关性分析,IMT值与CAD的相关系数为r=0.57(P0.0


3 讨 论




[5] Wald DS, Bestwick JP, Morton G, et al. Combining carotid intima-media thickness with carotid plaque on screening for coronary heart disease[J]. J Med Screen,2009,16


[6] A Lisowska, W Musial, M Knapp, et al. Carotid and femoral atherosclerotic lesions in patients with coronary heart disease confirmed by angiography[J]. Kardiol Pol ,2007, 63: 636-642 .

  • 颈动脉内膜—中层厚度的超声评价与冠心病相关性研究_lMYJq7MS4C.

  • 颈动脉内膜—中层厚度的超声评价与冠心病相关性研究_.docx

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