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Research on Marketing Strategy for WuyaoTingche Company

Although the improvements in standard of living in China were demonstrated by many perspectives since beginning of 21st century, there are many challenges brought by economic growth and development. One of the biggest challenges is the parking problem in urban area caused by rising car ownership rate. Fortunately, Parking problem can be solved creatively by taking advantage of mature Internet Technologies infrastructure in China. After more than a decade of rapid development of Internet technology, Parking management is an entry-oriented market that focuses on peoples livelihood with greatest investment potential. The main idea of parking management with internet technology is to use the Internet plus model to re-examine the parking market and develop the Internet plus smart parking mode.The internet plus mode will change the parking behaviors of car owners, simplify the parking process and allocate parking resources in an efficient and reasonable way.

51 Parking Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. (51 Parking) is an innovative startup company specializing in Internet parking industry. The company is very competitiveby holding number of patents. 51 Parking also has certain advantages in human resources and innovative technologies sectors. However, the current marketing strategy is imperfect and need to be improved if the company is eager to increase its market share. This paper examines the current marketing status of the company and found that the main problems of the companys marketing strategy are: Product line is not diversified yet. The products are OEM customized, the cost is high, the bargaining power is poor; the development of distribution channels is not ideal; the brand promotion is not enough and not established. Lack of in-depth discussion and research and corresponding strategies of countermeasures.

This research analysis both macro environment and micro environment faced by the company. From macro perspective, with the political and legal support, Internet plus mode is still in its fast lane and mobile payment will keep leading the transformation of Chinese payment habit from cash to mobile. From micro perspective, there are several points that will demonstrate the potential growth of the company, the backwardness of informationization in the parking market, the urgent need for intelligent parking, the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of current marketing strategies of competitive enterprises and the construction of internal processes and incentive systems. This research also conducted SWOT analysis to found the internal advantages and external opportunities that are suitable for future business expansion. The company is more suitable to choose SO strategy,which is to use the internal technological advantages and regional brand advantages to seize the opportunities of external O2O development opportunities and enhancemarketing strategies to promote brand more effectively. Finally, the company should diversified its product line to attract more potential consumers and gain more marketshare.

After conducting the analysis of the value chain of the parking industry and clarifying the whole picture of the strategy, this research reach the conclusion that the parking lot operation market and the automotive after-service market are the companys target market. Then the company should develop a marketing mix strategy based on 4P theory. First of all, the company should distinguish product classes by hardware and accelerate the process of product launch. For middle-end products , the company should price them using competitive-oriented pricing method, which means pricing products according to market pricing mechanism. Meanwhile, the company will obtain the competitive advantage by taking product differentiation strategy. For high-end products, the company can adopt high-price strategy and launch high-end products to specific markets and users in order to obtain a reasonable high profit margin. For low-end products, the company should adopt multiple pricing methods,for instance, the products can be complimentary and the company can obtain revenue and profits through later recovery of parking fees and advertising revenues. The company can also develop agents for middle-end and low-end products. TheSimilarly, the company can also develop dealers to distribute high-end products; The company can also build services network to improve the companys service level andpromote the company through traditional media or online media, expanding the companys popularity and brand. Finally, in order to ensure the implementation of the marketing strategy proposed in this paper, safeguard measures is provided from several perspectives: the internal system construction of the company, the cultivation of professional marketing talents and technical and material resources.

Keywords: Parking O2O, Internet +, parking business, marketing strategy。

第 1 章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义。

1.1.1 研究背景。




另外互联网技术经过十多年的快速发展,信息技术也越来越成熟, 2015年,李克强总理提出互联网+战略,制定了互联网+行动计划,要把移动互联网技术,云计算,大数据,物联网技术等先进技术与现代制造业及传统企业结合,从而促进电子商务,工业物联网以及互联网金融健康发展。而停车管理是聚焦民生的入口型市场,属于风口上的行业。聚焦民生所需,破解停车难,停车烦问题,创新管理机制,科学引导停车资源的高效利用,利用互联网技术及经济杠杆调整出行方式,提高车位的周转率,不仅是解决停车问题,更是促进城市现代化综合交通体系的建立。

 1.1.2 研究意义。



 1.2 研究方法与内容。

1.2.1 研究方法。





 1.2.2 研究内容。

本文的研究内容分四个章节第1章 绪论。本部分重点介绍本课题的研究背景、意义以及研究的方法、理论依据等以做初步的归纳总结,结合相关研究领域的理论以及研究思路,阐述五一停车公司研究的基本研究框架和思路。第2章 五一停车公司目前现状及问题。主要介绍五一停车公司运营及营销的现状、发展遇到的问题以及对这些问题原因的分析。第 3 章 针对目前五一停车公司面营销面临的宏观环境和微观环境分析。运用 SWOT 等方法与理论,对于五一停车产品的优劣势,机遇与挑战进行分析。第4章 五一停车公司营销策略制定和实施保障。本部分基于前述研究,并运用STP理论,从消费者角度对市场进行细分,并确定五一停车公司的市场定位,从而对产品、价格、渠道、促销策略进行细化,得出具体营销策略方案,预测在营销策略执行中将面临的风险和问题以及营销战略实施及其保障,最终确保营销策略与计划的可执行性。


 1.3 理论基础与文献综述

第 2 章 五一停车公司营销现状及问题.

2.1 公司简介

2.2 公司营销现状

2.3 公司营销存在问题及成因

 第 3 章 五一停车公司营销环境分析

3.1 公司宏观营销环境

3.2 公司微观营销环境

3.3 SWOT 分析

第 4 章 五一停车公司营销策略制定与实施保障

4.1 公司市场细分

4.2 公司目标市场与市场定位

4.3 公司营销组合策略

4.4 公司营销策略实施保障 结 论






  • 互联网停车业务公司市场营销策略探析_sa3F1RRSFq.

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