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1. 题目理解:在开始写作之前,一定要仔细阅读题目,理解题目要求和限制,确定自己的写作方向和思路。
2. 内容丰富:作文应该包含丰富的内容,要求结构严谨、条理清晰,同时要注意语言的准确性和表达的连贯性。
3. 表达准确:作文中的语言要准确无误,用词要恰当,语句要通顺,表达要清晰明了。
4. 逻辑性强:作文要求有一定的逻辑性,要有明确的主题和中心思想,同时要注意段落之间的过(guò)渡(dù)和衔接。
5. 语言规范:作文中的语言要符合语法和语言规范,要注意避免语言表达上的错误和瑕疵。


答案:Hello, my name is Ai and I'm here to talk about my fa vorite hobby. My fa vorite hobby is reading. I love to read books of different genres, including fiction, non-fiction, and biographies. Reading helps me to learn new things, improve my vocabulary, and expand my knowledge.
Whenever I ha ve free time, I like to curl up with a good book and get lost in the story. Reading also helps me to relax and unwind after a l o ng day. I believe that reading is a great way to escape reality and explore new worlds and ideas.
In conclusion, reading is a very important hobby for me. It not only helps me to learn new things, but it also provides me with a sense of enjoyment and relaxation. I would encoura ge everyone to find a hobby that they are passionate about and to pursue it with enthusias m. Thank you.


1. Self-introduction:
Hi, my name is [insert your name]. I am a [insert your grade level] student majoring in [insert your major]. In my free time, I enjoy [insert your hob b ies or interests].
2. Talking about your hometown:
I come from [insert your hometown]. It is a [insert adjective to describe your hometown] place. The people there are very [insert adjective to describe the people in your hometown]. One thing that my hometown is famous for is [insert something your hometown is known for].
3. Describing your fa vorite food:
My fa vorite food is [insert your fa vorite food]. It is a [insert adjective to describe your fa vorite food] dish. The ingredients are [insert ingredients], and it is usually prepared by [insert cooking method]. I love this dish because [insert reason why you love this dish].
4. Talking about your fa vorite movie:
My fa vorite movie is [insert your fa vorite movie]. It is a [insert genre] movie that tells the story of [insert brief summary of the movie]. The actors in the movie are [insert names of actors], and they did a great job portr a ying their characters. I love this movie because [insert reason why you love this movie].
5. Discussing your future plans:
In the future, I hope to [insert your future plans]. I plan to achieve this by [insert your plan to achieve your future plans]. It will be a challenging journey, but I am excited to pursue my dreams. I believe that with hard work and determination, I can make my dreams a reality.
I hope these sample answers are helpful for your preparation for the English speaking exam. Good luck!


答案:Hello, how are you doing today?
Bob: I'm doing pretty well, thanks for asking. How about you?
Ai: I'm doing well too, thanks. So, let's get started with the interview. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Bob: Sure. My name is Bob and I'm from New York City. I graduated from Columbia University with a degree in business m a na gement and I've been working in finance for the past five years. In my free time, I enjoy playing basketb a ll and reading.
Ai: That's great. Can you tell me about a challenge you faced in your career and how you overcame it?
Bob: One challenge I faced was when I was tasked with leading a project that had a tight deadline and a lot of moving parts. I had to m a na ge a team of people who were all working on different aspects of the project. To overcome this challenge, I made sure to communicate clearly with everyone on the team, set clear deadlines and expectations, and delegated tasks effectively. I also made sure to stay organized and focused on the end goal. In the end, we were able to complete the project on time and within budget.


