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答案:Dear [Name],
Greetings from [Place]! I hope this postcard finds you well. The weather here is lovely and I am enjoying exploring the sights and sounds of this beautiful city.
I ha ve visited m a ny interesting places, including [list some places you ha ve visited]. The food here is also amazing, especially [name a local dish].
I wish you were here to experience all of this with me. But I will bring back lots of stories and souvenirs to share with you.
Take care and I look forward to catching up with you soon.
Best regards,
[Your name]


答案:Dear friend,
Greetings from afar! I hope this postcard finds you well. I am ha ving an amazing time exploring new places and meeting new people. Wish you were here to share these experiences with me. Take care and talk to you soon.
Best regards,
[Your name]


答案:Dear [Recipient's name],
Greetings from [Your location]! I hope this postcard finds you well. I am ha ving a great time exploring the sights and sounds of this beautiful place. The weather is perfect, and the people are friendly.
I wanted to share with you some of the highlights of my trip so far. I ha ve visited [List some places you ha ve visited], and each one has been unique and fascinating. I ha ve also tried some delicious local cuisine and ha ve been impressed by the variety and quality of the food.
I wish you could be here to experience it all with me, but I hope this postcard gives you a glimpse into my tra vels. Take care, and I look forward to catching up with you soon.
Best regards,
[Your name]


1. 开始写信前,先在左上角写上自己的地址和日期,右上角写上收件人的地址。
2. 用亲切的语言问候收件人,如“Dear (收件人的名字),”
3. 介绍自己的身份和与收件人的关系,如“我是你的老朋友/同事/亲戚。”
4. 描述自己的旅行或者居住地的情况,可以谈论当地的景点、美食、文化等等。
5. 询问收件人的近况,如“你最近怎么样?”或者“听说你最近有什么好消息?”
6. 结束信件时,可以再次问候收件人,如“祝你一切顺利!”或者“期待下次见面!”
7. 最后,签上自己的名字并寄出明信片。


答案:Dear [Name],
Greetings from [Location]! I hope this postcard finds you well. The weather here is beautiful and I'm ha ving a great time exploring the city. I can't wait to share all my adventures with you when I return.
Take care and talk to you soon!
Best regards,
[Your Name]


1. 收件人姓名和地址


