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关永源 简历 – 名人简历

发布日期:2020-11-20 06:54:42




   1946年1月生,1978年师从我国著名药理学家徐叔云教授,并于1981年获医学硕士学位(药理学专业)。此后,在中山医科大学药理教研组陈俊秀教授领导下的心血管组从事三七皂甙及Ca2+通道的研究。1985年2月 – 1987年2月 在 加拿大University of British columbia药理系questel教授实验室从事博士后工作, 1987年2月 – 1988年6 月应国际著名平滑肌研究专家加拿大McMaster University 平滑肌研究所所长Daniel教授邀请,进入其研究所研究三七皂甙对血管平滑肌的作用,1992年2月 – 1993年2月 再度应邀赴加拿大平McMaster University平滑肌研究所与Daniel教授进行合作研究,1996年12 月- 1997年12 月应著名神经脑外科专家美国University of Chicago 神经脑外科主任Weir教授邀请以客座教授身份进入脑血管研究所从事脑血管研究。现为中山大学中山医学院药理学教授、博士导师, 国务院学位委员会药学评议组成员, “中国药理学通报”常务编委,“中国药理学与毒理学杂志”编委。


  自1990年以来,作为项目负责人已先后承担6项国家自然科学基金项目, 1项国家科技部攀登计划项目, 1项863项目及11项省部级研究项目。长期从事心血管药理工作,研究工作集中在心血管平滑肌细胞,与受体操纵Ca2+ 通道相关的Ca2+ 信号转导在生理及病理状态下的特性及药物作用的研究领域,与Cl-信号转导之间的关联(Cross talking),以及药物的作用. 在三七皂甙的研究中,首先发现它具有特异性阻断受体操纵Ca2+通道的特性,并从总甙中提出有效的单体。为此1989年及1991年先后二次获国家教委科技进步二等奖。在血管平滑肌细胞α-肾上腺素受体触发内流机理研究, 于1995年获国家教委科技进步一等奖。在氯通道研究中己发现ClC-3通直道参与血管平滑肌细胞增殖反应与调控功能。部分研究工作已在心血管领域国际权威杂志Circulation Research上发表。至今己在国内外杂志上发表论著130篇并为300余位国外学者引用。主编及参加《胆道药理学》等专著8部。


  1991年获广东省“七.五”期间高校科技先进工作者称号, 1993年获广东省丁颖科技进步奖。1995年获香港求是基金会“杰出青年学者”奖。1996年被广东省省委省政府授予“广东省优秀中青年专家”称号,1997年被卫生部授予“有突出贡献的优秀中青年专家”称号。


       关永源教授己培养博士生27名, 硕士生19名,博士后3名,访问学者3名;现正指导的博士生12名,硕士生6名.其中指导的博士生周家国的博士论文在2006年被评为”全国优秀博士论文”。


1. Xiao-Lian Shi, Guan-Lei Wang, Zheng Zang, Yue-Jie Liu, Jing-Hui Chen, Jia-Guo Zhou, Qin-Ying Qiu, Yong-Yuan Guan: Alteration of volume-regulated chloride movement in rat cerebrovascular smooth muscle cells during hypertension .Hypertension 2007;49:1371-1377(IF 6.007)

2. Yong-Yuan Guan, Jia-Guo Zhou, Zheng Zhang, Guan-Lei Wang, Bing-Xiang Cai Liang Hong, Qin-Ying Qiu, Hua He:Ginsenoside-Rd from panax notoginseng blocks Ca2+ influx through receptor- and store-operated Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle cells. Eur J Pharmacol. 2006: 548:128-136(IF 2.477)

3. Guan YY, Wang GL, Zhou JG: Role of ClC-3 Cl- channel in cell volume regulation, proliferation and apoptosis. Trends in Pharmacology 2006;27(6):290-296 (IF 13.054)

4. Zhou JG, Qiu QY, Zhang Z, Liu YJ, Guan YY: Evidence for capacitative and non-capacitative Ca2+ entry pathways coexist in A10 vascular smooth muscle cells Life Sci 2006;78(14):1558-63. (IF 2.512)

5. Zhang HN, Zhou JG, Qiu QY, Ren JL, Guan YY: ClC-3 chloride channel prevents apoptosis induced by thapsigargin in PC12 cells apoptosis 2006;11(3):327-336 (IF 4.450)

6. Wang GL, Qian Y, Qiu QY, Lan XJ, He H, Guan YY. Interaction between Cl? Channel and CRAC-related Ca2+ signaling during T lymphocyte activation and proliferation. Acta Pharmacol Sin April 5, 2006(IF:0.884)

7. Zhou JG, Ren JL, Qiu QY, He H, Guan YY Regulation of intracellular Cl- concentration through volume-regulated ClC-3 chloride channel in A10 vascular smooth muscle cells. J Biol Chem 2005; 280(8):7301-7308 (IF:6.355)

8. Wen-Li Wei, Yong-Yuan Guan, Hua He: The characteristic of Cl- current induced by ATP in bovine aortic endothelial cells. Drug Dev.Res. 58: 53-56, 2003.(IF:1.151)

9. Guan-Lei Wang, Xue-Rong Wang, Mo-Jun Lin, Hua-He, Xiu-Jian Lan, and Yong-Yuan Guan: Deficiency in ClC-3 Chloride Channels Prevents Rat Aortic Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation. Cir.Res. 91:e28-e32, 2002(IF:9.694)

10. .Gui-Nan Xiao, Yong-Yuan Guan* , Hua He: Effects of Cl- channel blockers on endothelin-1-induced proliferation of rat vascular smooth muscle cells. Life Sci 70:2233-2241, 2002.( IF:1.824)

11. Yong-Yuan Guan, Bryee Weir, Linda S. Marton, R.Loch Macdonald and He Zhang: Comparison of the effects of erythrocyte lysate of different ages on [Ca2+]i in freshly isolated rat basilar artery smooth muscle cells. Journal of Neurosurgery 89: 1007 1014, 1998

12, Tao L, Guan YY, He H, at el: Comparision of the calcium movements in induced by ?1-adrenoceptor subtypes in HEK cells. Life Sci. 61: 2127-2136, 1997

13. Guan YY, Miao LY, Sun JJ: Effects of Rb1 from the panax notoginseng saponins on arrhythmia and the Ca2+ movement in rat heart cells. Drug Development.Res. 39:179-183,1996.

14. Yong-Yuan Guan, Chiu-Yin Kwan, Feng-Lin Hsu and Juei-Tang Cheng: In vitro inhibitory effects of chebulinic acid on the contractile responses of cardiovascular muscle. Clin.Exp.Physiol.Pharmacol. 23:747-750, 1996

15. Guan YY, Kwan CY, He H, Sun JJ , Daniel EE:Effects of panax notoginseng saponins on receptor-operated Ca2+ channels in vascular smooth muscle. Acta Pharmacol.Sin. 15:392-398, 1994.

16. Y.Y.Guan, K.M.Chen and J.J.Sun: ?1-adrenoceptors mediated the responses to BHT- 920 and rauwolscine in dog mesenteric artery after partial depolarization by potassium. Europ.J.Pharmacol. 200:283-287,1991.

17. Yong-Yuan Guan, Chiu-Yin Kwan and Edwin E.Daniel: Evidence against the role of alpha-1 adrenoceptor reserve in buffering the inhibitory effect of nifedipine on the contractility of canine vascular smooth muscle. Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol. 68:1346-1350 1990.

18. Y.Y.Guan, C.Y.Kwan and E.E.Daniel: The effects of EGTA on vascular smooth muscle contractility in calcium free medium. Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol. 66:1053 -1056,1988.

19. Y.Y.Guan, C.Y.Kwan, H.He and E.E.Daniel: Specific inhibition of norepinephrine induced contractile responses of canine mesenteric artery by plant total saponins. Blood Vessels 25:321 – 315,1988.

20. Guan,Yong-Yuan, He,Hua and Chen,Jun-xiu:Effect of the total saponins of Panax notoginseng on contraction of rabbit aortic strips. Acta Pharmacol.Sin. 6: 265 – 267, 1985.


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