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田志刚 简历 – 名人简历

发布日期:2020-11-19 02:04:32


  田志刚,男, 教授,博士生导师。 1956年10月11日出生,山东 莱州人。 1983年获山西医科大学医学学士学位,1985年获山东省医学科学院免疫学硕士学位,1989年获卫生部白求恩医科大学免疫学博士学位。田志刚当选中国工程院2017年增选院士。






  生命科学学院和医学中心田志刚教授课题组与美国华盛顿大学医学院Wayne Yokoyama院士合作,发现一群肝脏特有的自然杀伤(Natural Killer, NK)细胞并阐明该NK细胞具备其它常规NK细胞不具备的免疫记忆功能。该研究成果由我校博士后彭慧、博士生姜晓君和陈永琳历时6年完成,为共同第一作者,发表于2013年4月出版的《临床研究杂志》(The Journal of Clinical Investigation)。





  Zhigang Tian,Dan L. Longo,Satoshi Funakoshi,Osamu Asai,Douglas K.Ferris,Michael Widmer,and William J. Murphy(1995). In vivo antitumor effects of unconjugated CD30 monoclonalantibodies on human anaplastic large-cell lymphoma xenograft. Cancer Res.,55,5335. William J. Murphy,Zhigang Tian,Osamu Asai,Satoshi Funakoshi,Poppy Rotter,Michelle Henry,Robert M. Strieter,Steven L. Kunkel,Dan L. Longo,and Dennis D. Taub. Chemokines and T lymphocyte activation (1996). Ⅱ. Facilitation of human T cell trafficking in severe combined immunodeficiency Mice. J Immunol,156,2104. William J. Murphy,Osamu Asai,Zhigang Tian,Dan L. Longo (1996). Activated natural killer (NK) cells mediate GVT effect but inhibite GVHD after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. J. Clin. Invest.,101,1835. Mary Alice Woody,Lisbeth A.Welniak,Rui Sun,Zhigang Tian,Michelle Henry,Susan Richards,Arati Raziuddin,Dan L. Longo,and William J.Murphy (1999). Prolactin Exerts Hematopoietic Growth-Promoting Effects in Vivo and Partially Counteracts the Myelosuppressive Effects of Azidothymidine. Exp Hematol,27⑸,811. Mary A. Woody,Lisbeth A.Welniak,Dennis D. Taub,Zhigang Tian,Rui Sun,Dan L. Longo,and William J. Murphy (1999). Use of Neuroendocrine Hormones to promote reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation by a Proteasome-dependent Mechanism. Biochem J. 352 Pt 3,913-9. Zhigang Tian,Xuening Shen,Feng Hong,George Kunos,Bin Gao (2000). IL-1b inhibits IFNb-induced STAT1 activation through NF-kB pathway in rat hepatocytes and human HepG2 cells. J. Immunol,165⑺,3959-65. Yao Chengfan,Cai Shengye,Wei Haiming,Wang Li,Sun Rui and Zhigang Tian (2000). Chinese traditional herb reverses the Th1/Th2 umbanlance in Yang-deficient mice. Biotherapy,14⑾,1121-27. Hong Feng,Won-Ho Kim,Zhigang Tian,Barbara Jaruga,Edward Ishac,Xuening Shen and Bin Gao (2002). Elevated interleukine-6 during ethanol consuption acts as a potential endogenous protective cytokine against ethanol-induced apoptosis in the liver,involvement to induction of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL protein. Oncogen,21,32-43. Sun R,Wei H,Zhang J,Li A,Zhang W,Tian Z (2002). Recombinant Human Prolactin Improves Antitumor Effects of Murine Natural Killer Cells in vitro and in vivo. Neuroimmunomodulation. 10,169-176. Tian Z,Sun R,Wei H,Gao B (2002). Impaired natural killer (NK) cell activity in leptin receptor deficient mice,leptin as a critical regulator in NK cell development and activation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 298,297-302. Liu J,Tian Z,Gao B,Kunos G (2002). Dose-dependent activation of antiapoptotic and proapoptotic pathways by ethanol treatment in human vascular endothelial cells,differential involvement of adenosine. J Biol Chem. 277,20927-33. Hong F,Jaruga B,Kim WH,Radaeva S,El-Assal ON,Tian Z,Nguyen VA,Gao B (2002). Opposing roles of STAT1 and STAT3 in T cell-mediated hepatitis,regulation by SOCS. J Clin Invest. 110,1503-13. Zhao Y,Sun R,You L,Gao C,Tian Z (2003). Expression of leptin receptors and response to leptin stimulation of human natural killer cell lines. Biochem Biophys Res. Commun. 300,247-52.


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